Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Welcome back, Me!

Here I am, back again to the world of the blog. After a year-long sabbatical so I could court and marry my husband, it's about time I come back to my readers.

Alright... so it's not so much that people have been clamoring for a blog update from me, but maybe that I feel I have stuff to talk about again. What do I have to talk about?

- babymaking (not mine, other peoples')
- hand lotion and soap (I'm making it and I want to make it, respectively)
- sustainability & the badness of consumerism
- school: mine and my husband's
- cooking yummy things
- natural-ish living & stuff
- brief notes on my husband's interests (wind electricity, guitar playing, math)

... and other things, I'm sure. I can rant pretty well if I feel like it.

I leave you with pictures of our cat and dog. Who doesn't like pet photos? :)

Baloney, Matt's dog. He's a pretty awesome dog (that says a lot coming from this cat girl). He's wearing a bow that came from a wedding gift.

Kiki, peaking out from Matt's backpack (he put her there, she didn't seem to mind). She's down 2 lives (life-threatening illness at 9 weeks, fell out of a 3 story window last month) in 7 months. She needs to start saving those things for when she's a bit older.

Keep writing, everyone!

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