Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Something about the "Best-Laid Plans"...

After a long month (and much more drama coming down the pipe), I’ve finally determined – it’s just not possible for me to come home to Ohio to go to school next year. My new goal is The University of Illinois-Chicago… my original goal from last year. If things go as planned, I will apply this January for admission in January of 2009.

I know, I’m kinda sad about it, too, since I was looking forward to be back with old friends and family. But it’s not the end of the world.

My reasons:

1. Only $80,000 of debt vs. almost $200,000.

2. Two more classes to take vs. five.

3. $1000 worth of prerequisite classes vs. almost $10,000.

4. More time to learn Spanish.

5. More time to work as a doula.

6. The government-subsidized tuition reimbursement jobs that are in Illinois, but not as plentiful in Ohio.

7. My Sanity (or what is left of it).

Seriously, I’m getting tired from the amount of time I need to prepare and from trying to pay for all these classes. I’m worn out, which means I’m not doing my job at work, things fall through the cracks, which creates even more stress. Everything is snowballing more than I planned. I’m a hardy gal, but you can only take so much. I really liked the idea of coming back to Ohio, but it’s just not going to be feasible or realistic right now.

I’m reminded – we can plan until we are blue in the face, but life will always throw in its own twists & turns. No, we’re not subjects in someone’s cruel chess match, but we have to be adaptable. Go with the flow. My lifepath doesn’t rely solely on the opportunities taken, chances thrown aside, or the mishaps that have occurred, but it sure does make things interesting as doors open and close.

Perhaps this extra time will give me an opportunity to travel a bit this summer, to visit as many people as I can in Minnesota and Ohio. I hope you all forgive me as I take back my plans – I miss all of you dearly.

Dream big, and keep those doors freely swinging.

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