Friday, December 08, 2006

Apparently, I *am* impulsive. But now I'm also spunky.

I never thought of myself as being impulsive. I think before I do things. Or before I say things. Or before I respond to something unexpected. Had to do with that fence-sitting thing.

But I think I've decided to let go and be more impulsive lately. Not bad randomly-impulsive, like impulsively running off to join the circus or anything.

No. I mean a fun, not-too-serious impulsive. Which, now that I think about it, I could spin this to be not impulsive (bad connotations on that word), but more lively & spontaneous. Yes, that sounds much better.

So, lively & spontaneous. Like playfully kicking at the snow because it looks fun, or... you know... dyeing my hair red. I mean really, *really* red.

I didn't plan to. I wanted a lighter red, but I couldn't do that because I'd have to use permanent hair dye. And that's just not something I like to do. So last weekend I dyed it a reddish-brown:

But I changed my mind because I wanted fun spunky hair. So there. It's really much more than I planned, and I'm sure it will fade a bit soon (red does that). But I also think it will grow on me. I kinda like it. Here it is, red hair:

Be lively & spontaneous, everyone. It can be fun. :)

**(For those of you wanting to know the color & brand... well, that was a long time ago. I'm positive I used Feria at least for one of those, if not both. Feria has some awesome red dyes. My problem was that my roots up to 6" were virgin hair, taking the dye *really* well, while the rest used to be dyed pretty dark once upon a time, so the red was duller. Made for a weird look until I changed it a year later. even highlighting the bottom layer didn't really work. But, yes -- I suggest Feria.)